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Cardiovascular training — sometimes called aerobic exercise — is any repetitive movement that increases the heart rate and amount of oxygen your body uses.
The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend getting at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity, or a combination of both.
With our increasingly sedentary lives, many people fall short of hitting this benchmark, but doing so comes with some impressive health benefits.
Cardio exercise benefits
Cardio improves heart health, aids in weight loss and maintenance and can even boost our mood and improve mental health. Cardio has even been shown to be beneficial for brain health, improving cognitive ability and reducing the risk of dementia.
But many people have a narrow view of what actually counts as cardio exercise. Yes, popular activities like walking, running and biking are great options. But there are plenty of other quick and efficient ways to get that cardio activity in right from home — no equipment required.
For those days when you’re short on time, the weather isn’t cooperating or you just want to get some movement in while watching your favorite TV show, keep this list on hand. These are some of my favorite cardio moves to get that heart rate up!
Cardio exercises
Forward & backward jumps
This move is simple, but effective. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend at the knees and extend your arms behind you. Jump forward a few feet, swinging your arms up toward the sky for momentum. Land softly with knees bent. Using the same movements, jump backward a few feet.

Boxing squat
Sit down and back into a squat position, squeezing your glutes and abs. As you return to a standing position, extend your right arm straight out in front of you in a punching motion. Bring your right arm back in and squat back down. This time as you return to standing, extend your left arm straight out in front of you in a punching motion. For a challenge, you can elevate this move by holding light dumbbells.

Rocket jumps
Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squeezing your glutes, squat down half way, and then jump up as high as you can reaching your arms toward the sky. Land softly, and then use the momentum from your last jump to repeat. Make sure you keep your abs engaged throughout the entire exercise.

Side lunges
Start with your feet as wide as your hips. Then step your right foot to the right, and bend the right knee, sitting down into a side lunge. Reach the right glute back and keep the left leg straight. Press down through the right heel and come back to center. Then step your left foot out and lunge to the left. Keep your movements controlled, and repeat side to side as quickly as you can.

Running in place
Make sure you put on your tennis shoes for this one! Lightly run in place with the knees bent and arms moving as fast as you can. If you want to step it up and burn even more calories, you can run in place at a sprinting speed. For a lower-impact variation, you can march in place.

Jumping jacks
Start by standing upright with your legs together, and your arms by your sides. With knees slightly bent, push off the floor and jump into the air. As you’re jumping, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and swing your arms out to the sides and up over your head. Jump back to the starting position, and repeat!

Butt kicks
Instead of reaching the knees toward your chest like you do with high knees, you’ll be kicking your feet behind you, reaching your heels toward your butt. This will help with hip flexor mobility and can also loosen up the quads. Simply kick your right foot back toward your right glute, and then kick your left foot back toward your left glute. The faster you go, the more you may feel like you’re running in place — so make sure you focus the movement on kicking your feet toward the glute with every step.

Jump squats
The Jump squat is a power move that target your core and entire lower body. With your feet hip-distance apart, lower into a squat position. Make sure you keep a strong, straight back and your knees behind your toes. With control, jump straight up and swing your arms overhead. Softly return back to your starting squat position and repeat.

Mountain climbers
Begin in plank position, with your back straight, hips low and core engaged. Keep your shoulders over your wrists. Bring your right knee under your chest toward your right elbow. Return your right leg back to plank position; bring your left leg under your chest toward your left elbow. Repeat while alternating your legs, keeping a steady pace. Remember to breathe and concentrate on engaging your abs, glutes and hamstrings.

Lateral shuffles
Starting with your feet hip-distance apart, sink into a deep knee bend. Bring both of your arms in front of your chest, holding them up to help you keep your balance. Starting with your right foot and following with your left, shuffle right for 3 or 4 steps (depending on your space), and then repeat to the left. Keep your chest up, core strong, and glutes engaged throughout this movement.

High knees
March your right knee up toward your chest, place it down, and then march the left knee toward your chest. As you start moving faster, try and keep your knees up as high as you can. You can pick up the pace and increase the impact of this workout by adding jumps. Always land with softly bent knees, and swing your arms to keep your heart rate up.

Dance it out!
If you’re looking to spice up your cardio routine while having some fun, dance! Put on your favorite song and focus on keeping your body moving to the beat, incorporating your arms and legs for a full-body cardio workout. Dancing has been shown to help improve your mood and is an awesome standalone workout or a fun way to finish out your favorite circuit!

Side Toe Taps
Standing with your feet as wide as your hips, tap your right foot out to the right and then come back to center. Then tap your left foot out to the left and come back to center. Keep tapping right then left, alternating for 60 seconds.

Modified Jacks
Start with your feet as wide as your hips and arms down by your sides. Tap your right foot out to the right (like you did for a side tap) and reach both arms up overhead. Then bring the right foot back to center and the arms back down by your sides. Tap the left foot out to the left and reach the arms overhead, then bring the arms down and the foot back to center. Repeat as quickly as you can, alternating for 60 seconds.

Plank Shoulder Tap
Come into a plank position with your shoulders over your wrists. Spread your fingers wide. Pull your naval in toward your spine and shift your weight to your left hand as you lift your right hand up and tap your left shoulder. Then place the right hand down and switch to the other side, repeating for 10 times on each side.

Plank to Downward Facing Dog
Start in a plank position with your shoulders over your wrists. Pull your low abs in as you quickly pike your hips up and back into a downward facing dog. Reach your heels toward the ground and your glutes up toward the ceiling. Press down firmly through your hands. Then quickly move forward into plank again. Repeat 10 times.

Side to Side Shuffle
To start, lower down into a squat. From here, move to your right using quick shuffle steps for six steps. Repeat to the left side. The goal is to stay low and move quickly to the right then left. Repeat for 10 repetitions on each side.

Stand with feet shoulder-distance apart. Draw one leg behind you into a curtsy lunge. Maintain a 90-degree angle with the front knee. Next, use your front arm to create momentum as you swing your arms forward to leap the back leg to the side. This skating motion will switch sides, so the previously back leg is now in the front, and vice versa. Replicate the motion to switch sides. Repeat for 10 repetitions.

Plank Jacks
Start in a full plank position. Engage your abs to protect your lower back. Jump both feet out, similar to doing a jumping jack, remaining in a plank position. Jump the feet back in. Increase speed as you repeat the motion. Repeat for 10-20 repetitions.

Jumping Lunges
Begin this exercise in a lunge position. As you prepare to jump, sink down deeper into the lunge. Engage your core muscles, leaning slightly forward. Explode upwards. Quickly exchange feet to switch lunge positions when you land, switching arms as you do so. Do your best to land softly. Do not lock your knees; keep them softly bent. Repeat for 10 repetitions total, or 5 repetitions each leg.

Grapevine with a jump
Start standing with your arms by your sides and your feet shoulder-width apart. Step to the left with your left foot and then step your right foot behind your left foot. Then, step your left foot out to the left again. This is the grapevine. Then, slightly bend your knees as you jump up and clap, landing with softly bent knees. Repeat, moving this time to the right. Alternate left and right, performing 5 times to each side.

NFL Shuffle
Standing with your feet as wide as your shoulders, put your hands up and pitter patter your feet quickly. Stay in place and up on your toes to complete 20 steps or for 10 seconds total.

Lunge to Knee Drive
With the feet as wide as the hips, step the right foot back into a reverse lunge. Then, with force, bring the right knee through center and up toward your chest as you jump on your left foot landing with a slightly bent leg. Without stopping at the center, step the right foot back into the reverse lunge again. Repeat 10 times, then switch sides.

Arm circles
Straighten your arms out to your sides and lift them up as high as your shoulders. Begin rotating in small circles. Completing 10 rotations forward and then 10 rotations backward.

Begin in squat position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place both hands on the floor and shift your weight onto your hands. Kick your feet back behind you so that you’re in pushup position. Perform one pushup, making sure your back is straight and your core is engaged. Jump your feet forward so that you are back in a squat position and stand up. With your arms above your head, jump up. When you land, go straight into squat position and repeat. Perform 10 burpees total.